среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.

free Frog Race Ad-Free 1.5.15 torrent download

Frog Race Ad-Free


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Please consider downloading this version if you liked Frog Race so much that you feel generous and want to thank

developer for delivering such a great product, or simply hate ads.

If you don't like Frog Race a lot or don't have money or have any other reason, you don't have to pay, there's a completely free version for you!

Fast-paced. Intense. Simple. Addictive. Enjoyable. Kids love it.

Choose to compete against the world in survival mode to try and win the crown or enjoy an exciting time with your friends in a multi-player race with up to 3 players using the same device!

Multi-player is absolutely guaranteed to make your day. And 3 friends is twice as much fun as 2 =)

Become closer with your friends, socialize! Play Frog Race together =)

This game is also great for kids. Kids are enjoying this game from the age of 1!

About graphics. 3D graphics is the best you can find, and it's improving day by day =))

If you are lost, here are some tips:

* To play with friends select at once several frogs.

* To play survival mode choose just the one you like.

Happy racing!

Download .apk

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