Barometric Altimeter
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This altimeter models a real aviation altimeter by using your device's barometer and allowing calibration of altitude based on air pressure at sea level (QNH) and the current air temperature. If a network connection is available, the app can fetch the closest weather station data automatically and auto-calibrate every 10 minutes or as you travel. Manual calibration is easily accomplished by sliding up and down on "Kollsman" window or on the right side of the altimeter.
Features :
- 2 hand analog altimeter with smooth animations.
- Kollsman window for manual calibration.
- Analog and digital display options.
- Filtered pressure data for more stable readings and less jumpy altitudes.
- User preferences and calibrations are saved upon exit.
- Auto calibration via the closest Metar station (sets sea level pressure and current temperature) when an Internet connection is present
- Auto calibrates every ten minutes to save battery life
- Easy manual calibration by sliding up/down or via the settings
- Imperial and metric support.
Keywords :
altimeter, pressure altimeter, barometric altimeter, barometer, pilot, hiker, sky diver, back country, aviation
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