воскресенье, 29 июня 2014 г.

Words By Post apk free download

Words By Post

Brain & Puzzle

Download .apk

(There is also a free version of Words By Post that is ad supported. This paid version has no in-game advertisements.)

Words By Post is the only cross-platform word game that keeps track of your skill level and always matches you against players of similar ability to your own. And since it is available for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phones, you can play your friends no matter what type of phone they have!

Play this classic multiplayer word game with real people online! Challenge your friends to friendly games or play ranked matches against random opponents of similar skill levels. Compete for the highest rating. Play as many simultaneous games as you want!

Automatic push notifications will let you know when you have moves waiting!

Tap any played word to see its definition.

Chat with your opponents using the in-game message board.

Improve your ranking by playing ranked games against comparable opponents. Skill ranking updates using the classic Elo rating system to adjust your rank when you win or lose. A leaderboard view shows you how you compare to the top players.

Words By Post is perfect for players of all skill levels because your matched opponent's skill level will be adapted based on your own skill level.

Create a local hand-off game and play your friend by passing the phone back and forth. When you make your move, your opponents tiles will not be visible until they reveal them.

Tap on your opponent's name to see your all-time head-to-head win/loss and average point differential against that player.

Words By Post is available for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phones.

Download .apk

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