понедельник, 28 июля 2014 г.

free GhostBox Original 1.2 torrent download

GhostBox Original


Download .apk

This application uses algorithm to create white noise frequencies different random with objective to communicate with ghosts.

No mixing with voice channel, the reason for that, because I do not think it is right, in other hand the chances of hearing something is greater.

But tell me your opnion, I can create another app or modify this.

How it works?

1 - Click on "Scan", after click, the application will generate differents white noise.

2 - The "STEP" you can control the length of stay in frequencie determined and band.

Recomend to another device Recoder this noise, this application does not record.

This application generates white noise, not only in playing this loop.

GhosBox Definition:

"A ghost box is a communication tool used by some investigators to speak to the other side. Typically, a ghost box is a modified portable AM/FM radio that continously scans the band. When on, it is believed to create white noise and audio remnants from broadcast stations that entities are able to manipulate to create words and even entire sentences." from http://ift.tt/1egaEYb

Download .apk

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