понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

free COMLEX Level 2PE torrent download



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COMLEX Level 2 Performance Evaluation Exam


Making COMLEX PE Exam easier for you -by usmletutoring.com

- You will get 60 most frequently asked cases for COMLEX Level 2 PE Exam. You will get presentations and videos of cases.

- Common tips and standardize patient check list included.


This App also covers very important points of PE exam.

-Things you need to remember before entering patient room

-Formulate Differential Diagnosis based on symptom

-How to start case and take HPI

-Dealing with difficult patient and challenging questions

-Summarize history

-What to remember before starting physical exam

-Physical exam, Closure and SOAP note


It will help you to learn all three axes of PE exam.

1. Patient Presentation Axis

- Standardized patients in ambulatory and emergency medical settings.

2. Osteopathic Medical Practice Axis

Each case will teach you about Physician-Patient Communication, Interpersonal Skills and Professionalism through discussion.

3. Clinical Content Axis

Most frequently asked 60 cases and videos.

1. CVS: Hypertension, Palpitations

2. RS: Sinusitis, Sore Throat, Chronic Cough, Hemoptysis, Shortness Of Breath

3. GIS: Acute Abdomen, Constipation, Diarrhea In Male, Dysphagia, Hemetemesis, Janudice, Epigastric Pain, Nausea And Vomiting, Melena, Lower GI Bleeding

4. GU:Burning Micturition, Dyspareunia, Erectile Dysfunction, Difficulty In Urination, Amenorrhea, First Ante Natal Visit, Hematuria, Heavy Menstrual Bleeding, Hot Flushes, Vaginal Discharge

5. CNS:Dizziness, Headache – GCA, Headache-SAH, Headache–Meningitis, Headache – Migraine, Frequent Falls, Hearing Loss, Insomnia, Loss Of Consciousness, Memory Loss, Numbness And Weakness, Acute Vision Loss

6. Pediatrics:Diarrhea, Epistaxis, Vomiting, Fever

7. Musculoskeletal System: Ankle Pain, Elbow Pain, Heel Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Joint Pain, Shoulder Pain, Wrist Pain, Hip Pain

8. Additional cases: Diabetes Follow Up, Sickle Cell, Domestic Violence, Insurance Check Up, Sad Mood, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Pain Seeking Behavior


This app requires internet connection, wifi recommended.

Disclaimer: www.usmletutoring is not affiliated with NBOME (National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examination) or any other agencies. Patient's names are for educational purpose and there is no relation with any living persons.

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Sandra Bullock & Melissa McCarthy Are cops for ' Bridesmaids' DirectorThe movie follows the tense working relationship between a high-strung FBI agent and an unconventional Boston Cop , the teams to take down a Russian mobster COMLEX Level 2PE 1.0 apk free download . It is a story, the derivative and familiar, but Bullock and McCarthy in the lead roles and cowardice at the top , I'm already sold. That's some solid comedic chops around, and while Bullock dramatic work is impressive, their timing and delivery in the comedy world nothing scoff at the least. The film will be begin with photographing this summer after McCarthy stopped identity thief with Jason Bateman. Interested?

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