воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download MIUI Design+ Apex Nova Theme 3.5 for free

MIUI Design+ Apex Nova Theme


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**This theme is is based on Miui v5 and has over 1750 custom icons.


¤ Apex Launcher

¤ Nova Launcher

¤ ADW Launcher Ex

¤ Holo Launcher

¤ Atom Launcher


Features List:

¤ 1750+ HD Icons and more icons are will be added.

¤ Apex Launcher skin included.

¤ Icon Pack for ADW and Holo Launchers.

¤ 8 MIUI v5 HD Wallpapers + 5 MiDesign Wallpapers

¤ 5 Icon backgrounds.

¤ MIUI Design+ Gallery.



¤ If the icons do not appear for the above launchers then we recommend you to restart your launcher.

¤ It is recommended not to move the theme app to SD Card.


Icon request has been disabled so I can catch up to the 2,000+ requests I currently have. It will be re-enabled in future updates. Thank you for understanding.

If you liked our work then please try our other themes too, they are equally good. :)


Feel free to shoot us an email if you have icon requests, suggestions or issues at khadri.aleem@gmail.com

Download .apk

Cast and crew members discuss financing, conveys their love for the project and the message of the film at the Los Angeles Premiere.The book is shocking, said Wachowski download MIUI Design+ Apex Nova Theme 3.5 free android app . It speaks to us on so many different levels. It speaks to us in terms of our love genre. - Wachowskis, Tom Tykwer on ' Cloud Atlas ', ' Matrix ' sequels , and out - of-line Journalists .

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