Exposure Calculator
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Exposure is a tool for photographers that allow you to calculate proper exposure and correct values of:
- Aperture
- Shutter speed
- EV
The application allow manual mode, Shutter priority mode and Aperture priority mode.
Neutral Density Filter correction.
EV Correction.
Support App2SD.
Easy and accurate Deep Of Field Calculator (DOF) and Hyperfocal Distance for your camera. Just specify your camera model, the focus length, f-stop, and subject distance.
- Near limit
- Far limit
- Deep of Filed
- Hyperfocal distance
Useful gray card tool.
Change color of your screen in black, white, neutral gray with the possibility to change gamma value
Minimum shutter speed to yield an adequately sharp image of a moving subject.
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Breaking News: Child actor Gary Coleman Dead at 42 TodaySad news to report today. CNN has publicist publicist that the actor Gary Coleman at the age at the age of 42 years download Exposure Calculator 1.9.4 for free . Coleman died of a brain hemorrhage in a Provo, Utah hospital, Friday afternoon. Earlier reports said that Coleman had a crash at his home to live in Utah , and slipped into a coma earlier in the day and was alive. The message is still in development, so expect more updates to hear this tragic news all day. Was was not doing much on the screen but has recently displayed in David Zucker 's An American Carol comedy as Bacon Stains Malone a few years back. Head to CNN for the latest information in the news. Coleman 's acting career began in the late 70s and early 80s as a child actor on NBC's Diff'rent Strokes . He is! In numerous films such as Jimmy the Kid, Fox Hunt, Shafted The Flunky, Dirty Work and Church ball appeared. Standing at 4 feet, 8 inches tall, He was probably best known for a funny celebrity more than an actor, so it's sad to see him pass away so early in his life. But in recent years , things have not good for him, not only with disease, but disorderly conduct charges, and reckless driving. Will will forgotten forgotten, perhaps for his catchphrase Whatchoo talkin '' bout?
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