среда, 1 октября 2014 г.

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R ratingversal takes Joe Kosinski , the sci-fi 'Horizons' with Tom Cruise bad news for bad news for Joseph Kosinski today. While it is usually a momentous event hear his, picked up a project, THR reports that there is universal download NewsRu.Com Новости России Pro apk . Of all the places to win at the end of the struggle to Tron Legacy director Joe Kosinski to distribute the next epic sci-fi movie The project was originally known as Oblivion , now known as Horizons and was known of Kosinski as a comic, where most of the images come from above is open. Disney then dumped the project a few weeks ago, because it's a PG-13 action film for gritty gritty. But the best news of all - Tom Cruise is already attached to star!

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